Stock Information
Does AFG pay a cash dividend?
Yes. You can view AFG’s dividend history here.
Can I purchase stock directly from AFG?
No. You can, however, purchase AFG stock through a brokerage firm, including online brokerage services.
Does AFG have a Dividend Reinvestment Program (DRIP)?
AFG maintains a Dividend Reinvestment Plan, which provides a simple and convenient method of investing cash dividends in additional shares of AFG Common Stock, without brokerage commissions or service charges.
Information on AFG’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan is available here.
Information on AFG’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan is available here.
What exchange does AFG stock trade on?
AFG stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol AFG.
Whom should I contact with questions about my stock certificate(s)?
Email: | |
Phone: | 888-789-8804 (U.S. toll-free) |
Address: | Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions P.O. Box 1342 Brentwood, NY 11717 |
Website: | |
When was the last annual meeting of shareholders?
AFG’s last annual meeting was May 17, 2023.
When is the next annual meeting of shareholders?
AFG will announce the date of the 2024 meeting in its 2023 proxy statement with the SEC.
How do I get a copy of the Annual Report?
AFG’s most recent Annual Report is available on our website. If you would like to receive a paper copy, go to the Request Information form.
How can I get a copy of your SEC filings?
Visit the SEC Filings page to view and/or download any of AFG’s SEC filings.
Does AFG issue quarterly reports?
AFG files quarterly reports with the SEC. See SEC Filings for details.
Can I listen to AFG's quarterly results conference calls with analysts?
Yes, AFG’s quarterly results conference calls are webcast live and replays are available for a period of time after the announcement. This information can be accessed from the Event Calendar.
Shareholder Contact Information
How do I contact AFG's transfer agent?
AFG’s transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions. If you are a registered shareholder, Broadridge can help with a variety of shareholder-related services including:
- Change of Address
- Transfer of stock ownership
- Lost or missing stock certificate(s)
- Account Statements
Email: | |
Phone: | 888-789-8804 (U.S. toll-free) |
Address: | Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions P.O. Box 1342 Brentwood, NY 11717 |
Website: | |
If you own shares through a brokerage firm, please contact the firm directly to change your account address.
What is a transfer agent?
A transfer agent for a publicly held company keeps records of stock held by registered shareholders, including shares held in certificate form. When stock changes hands, the transfer agent updates the record of ownership of the stock. The transfer agent does not maintain records of shares bought and sold through brokerage accounts and held in "street name." Such records are maintained by the specific brokerages through which shares are bought and sold.
The transfer agent is also responsible for escheatment, which is the legally-required process of transferring unclaimed property to the state. If you are a registered shareholder of AFG stock, it is critical that you maintain current contact information with the transfer agent; otherwise, you are at risk of having your shares escheated. If you hold your shares through a brokerage account, you should ensure that your address is current with your brokerage firm.
AFG’s transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions.
The transfer agent is also responsible for escheatment, which is the legally-required process of transferring unclaimed property to the state. If you are a registered shareholder of AFG stock, it is critical that you maintain current contact information with the transfer agent; otherwise, you are at risk of having your shares escheated. If you hold your shares through a brokerage account, you should ensure that your address is current with your brokerage firm.
AFG’s transfer agent is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions.
Email: | |
Phone: | 888-789-8804 (U.S. toll-free) |
Address: | Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions P.O. Box 1342 Brentwood, NY 11717 |
Website: | |
How do I change my address on my account?
If you own shares through a brokerage firm, you need to contact the brokerage firm directly to change your account address.
If you’re a registered shareholder you need to contact AFG’s transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions.
If you’re a registered shareholder you need to contact AFG’s transfer agent, Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions.
Email: | |
Phone: | 888-789-8804 (U.S. toll-free) |
Address: | Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions P.O. Box 1342 Brentwood, NY 11717 |
Website: | |
How do I contact AFG Investor Relations?
You can contact AFG Investor Relations with questions related to AFG and AFG stock.
Email: | See Contact |
Phone: | 513-579-6739 |
Fax: | 513-352-9230 |
Address: | AFG Investor Relations 301 E. Fourth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 |